Episode 66: Goose Island Summertime – Just like drinking sunshine!


Well once in a while we can bring you a story of not just beer and not just food, but a combination of the two. This week I found an article about a brand new food product that combines the lovely goodness that is beer with the salty joy that are chips in, you guessed it, beer flavored chips.

Also in breaking news, as of yesterday. InBev bought AB.


  • The style originated in Köln, Germany, however it has increasingly become a popular style in the US, often times showing up at brewpubs. Technically however, any beer brewed in Köln can be called a Kölsch.
  • This type of beer is a top fermented ale and generally pours a very pale color, almost with a light beer appearance. Generally it is about a medium on the bitterness scale, although some versions can be more bitter. This style generally weighs in at between 4-6% ABV.
  • Some of the beers we are going to be talking about over the next couple weeks may not be the easiest to find. A lot of this style is made at the local level and at brewpubs, so if you are in there ask for a Köslch.

Summertime (Goose Island)

  • Tonight’s beer comes from sweet home Chicago and Goose Island Brewery. We have talked a bit about Goose Island, mainly because it’s based in Chicago were I am and because I can get the beers rather easily, however their distribution is picking up and you should be able to get these beers rather widely throughout the country at this point.
  • Just for quick background, Goose Island was founded in 1988 by John Hall, it currently has three locations, two brewpubs in Chicago and a production brewery where it bottles.
  • Summertime weighs in at 5.00% ABV and is generally available from April until September.
  • It pours a lighter golden color and has a subtle hop aroma, nothing too strong. There is a little bit of a citrusy smell here as well, but nothing too strong.
  • The beer is a lighter beer in flavor, but still gives a little crispness that is not as strong as a pilsner. This is a great thirst quenching beer that I enjoy having around on hot summer days.

Next Week

Who knows what we are going to do next week. The only thing that I can promise you is that it will be another Kölsch, and we’ll be going over some of unique history of this beer so tune in!

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