Episode 73: Refrigerator Roulette

We couldn’t get Budweiser American Ale so Jim just reached into his fridge and pulled out Brooklyn Pennant Ale, that’s what we talk about this week.


We have been talking so much about the one big brewer, Anheuser Busch, that I feel that we are leaving out the other big brewer in the market, MillerCoors. MillerCoors is being sued by a group in regards to their Sparks brand energy beer (products that we have not nor never will cover on YNB). The group, Center for Science in the Public Interest, states that the ingreidents in Sparks, including Caffeine, Taurine, and Guarana should not only not be used in alchohol, but in addition they feel that this product is being marketed to kids. Now, this same group threatened to sue AB if they didn’t take their energy drinks off the market earlier this year, and AB caved in. Analysts are saying that MillerCoors will end up fighting this one tooth and nail however, so stay tuned for the blood bath.

Refrigerator Roulette – Brooklyn Pennant Ale

  • Alright, so we admit that we haven’t come up with a new series yet. We are just not sure what style we want to take on next. On top of that, we had planned to do a show on the American Ale from Budweiser tonight, but I could still not get a hold of it. I am being told that hopefully next week I should be able to get some, but untill that time, we have Refrigerator Roulette.
  • So the rules of the game (which I just made up) are simple. Go into my refrigerator, grab a beer, and that will be the one that we talk about tonight. Now first let me say that my frige is no ordinary frige, I have a bit of selection present, I think 14 different beers in there at last check.
  • The beer that was pulled for the evening is Brooklyns Pennant Ale, out of Brooklyn Brewery, in, you guessed it, Brooklyn, New York.
  • Established in 1987 by Tom Potter and Steve Hindy, this brewery was founded to extend the pairs fascination with home brewing.
  • This weeks beer, Brooklyn Pennant Ale, is named after the 1945 World Champion Brooklyn Dodgers. It is described on the website as a honey colored pale ale, close to an traditional english style pale ale.
  • It weighs in at about 5.0% ABV and is made with 3 types of malts and 4 types of hops.
  • One of the great things about Brooklyns website is that they suggest food pairings with the beer. For this one they suggest roasted and grilled meats, robust fish, crab cakes, and spicy food.
  • It pours a nice little bit darker than described, I would go maybe a shade darker than honey, with a slight colored head which seems to disappear in a hurry as well.
  • The smell is more on the sweeter side, some carmel notes there, and just a little bit of bitterness from the hops in the aroma.
  • The taste is a little bit different than the softer smell, with almost a slightly acidic taste, almost crisp apples in the fall. This is a good thing though. There is a little hop bitterness but that really isn’t too strong.
  • This is a really good example of an English Pale Ale, not too strong, not over powering with the hops, and rather well balanced.

Next Week

Another week where we aren’t exactly sure what we are going to do. Another attempt at Budweiser’s new American Ale, but if we can’t get that, it may be back into Jim’s fridge.

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