Episode 80: Founders Red’s Rye Ale – A little Rye in your Eye.

A new series with a kind of beer we’ve never talked about, Rye. We start this week with Founders Red’s Rye


This weeks news story comes from Rice University where scientists have said that they have created a beer that can help save your life. BioBeer, as it’s called, has three genes spliced into special brewer’s yeast that produce resveratrol, the chemical in red wine that is thought to protect against diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other age-related conditions. Don’t expect this product to hit the shelves any time soon.

Founders Red’s Rye Ale

  • The rye beer style can vary, and is generally defined as any beer that has rye in it. How is that for vague.
  • The style probably originated in Germany and was called Roggenbier there. These beers typically had a very high rye content, as opposed to the modern US versions that can vary greatly.
  • Typical American Rye beers are going to to have moderate bitterness in order to allow the often spicy and sour-like rye characteristics to pull through.
  • This weeks beer comes from Founders Brewing Company in Grand Rapid, Michigain. Founders Brewing Company was started by Mike Stevens and Dave Engbers in November of 1997. These two were home brewers, as were many people who start breweries.
  • Today, Founders small facility of 10,000 square feet that houses all its manufacturing needs. Current capacity allows for approximately four thousand barrels (31 gallons) per year.
  • Tonight’s beer, Founders Reds Rye, weighs in at 6.8% ABV, so it is a little on the higher side. This is a smaller brewery, so there is a good chance you won’t be able to find it out there.
  • This beer pours dark copper in color, not quite red like the name suggests, but still a very nice hazy color. This beer also appears to be unfiltered to some degree. The head is a nice tan and sticks around for a few seconds.
  • The smell is very strong on the hop character. Think along the lines of a big IPA. You get a little rye on the nose, but not a lot. The hops overpower that one to some degree.
  • That taste you can get a bit more rye, a little bit spicey, a little bit bready. The hops for this one are still up front, but they move towards the back a little with more and more of the malt and rye coming forward.

Next Week

In the next two weeks we will be doing Hop Rod Rye from Bear Republic. We’re looking for another beer for next week, but if we can’t find anything we’ll go right to the Hop Rod.

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